CS510 Assignment No. 03

 CS510  Assignment No:3 Solution

                          Assignment No. 03
                        Semester: Fall 2020

CS510: Software Requirements and Specifications

Total Marks: 15


Due Date: 29/01/2021


Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:

You need to use MS word document to prepare and submit the assignment on VU-LMS.

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:


§  The assignment is submitted after due date.

§  The assignment is not in the required format (.doc or docx)

§  The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.

§  Assignment is copied(partial or full) from any source (websites, forums, students, etc)


Learning Outcome:

After completing this assignment, the student will be able:

·         To use SIG modeling tool for drawing a nonfunctional requirement

·         To use NFR framework activities



Assignment#3 covers course contents till week 09.






Assignment # 03


 Soft goals of a system play an important role in the completion of requirement

 engineering process of a system. But there is no clear criterion for satisfying

the soft goals of a system. Nonfunctional requirements framework helps in identifying 

the objectives for which the system is being achieved. Soft goal Interdependency 

 Graph is usually used for the modeling of conditional attributes of any specific 

 system. Using nonfunctional requirements framework, quality attributes of the 

 system can be decomposed into sub-goals.



You have been studied about Non Functional Requirements (NFR) Framework in lecture slides.

Based on knowledge about NFR framework, you are required to 

draw Soft goal Interdependency Graph (SIG) for Security.


Note: You must have to represent soft goal refinements

(AND/OR) and soft goal contributions (positive/negative)

in Software Independency Graph (SIG) if necessary.

Possible soft goals of the system under consideration are:



-          Integrity

-          Accuracy

-          Availability



-          Confidentiality

-          Minimize redundancy



-          Use of passwords

-          Minimize external communication



-          Recoverability

-          Extra Testing



-          Backup



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