MTH601 Quiz | MTH601 Quizzes | MTH601 Quiz 3 Solved

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"MTH601 Quiz No. 3"

Multiple Choice Question

12 February 2021 

Question No: 1

In the Least Cost Method, for any call both demand and supply are satisfied then which of the following will be crossed out?

Either of raw or column

Only row

Only column

Both row and column

Question No: 2

For North West Corner method, in the first row and first column, each source and sink contain '5' units : then after allocating the appropriate amount 'X11' in the cell (1,1) we will move toward which of the following cell?

Arbitrarily either toward (1,2) or (2,1)

Towards (1,2) if 1st row contains more occupied cells then 2nd row

Towards (2,1) if 1st row contains more occupied cells then 1nd row

Nether towards (1,2) nor (2,1) but move diagonally towards (2,2)

Question No: 3

The Transportation Problem is one of the sub-class of ---------.

Linear Programming problem

Inventory Control Problem

Network Flow Problem

Stochastic Problem

Question No: 4

For an assignment problem, if the numbers of agent and task are _____________.then the problem is called _____________________ assignment.

equal. balanced

unequal. balanced

equal. unbalanced

none of these

Question No: 5

The North-West Corner Rule

Is used to find an initial feasible solution

Is used to find an optimal solution

Is based on the concept of minimizing opportunity cost

None of above

Question No: 6

Which of the following will be the penalty cost of a row in Vogel's approximation method, if the smallest element in '3' and other elements are 3, 4, 5 ?





Question No: 7

In a transportation Problem, the objective function 'Z' gives --------.

Total Cost of transportation

Total Time of transportation

Total Profit of transportation

Total inventory be supplied in transportation

Question No: 8

In the assignment problem, the cost matrix is--------.





Question No: 9

In which of the following method to solve a transportation problem, we have to calculate one moor row and one more column?

Vogel's approximation Method

North West Corner method

Least Cost Method

Simplex Method

Question No: 10

In the assignment problem is unbalanced if the cost matrix is not a -------- matrix.





"MTH601 Quiz No. 3"(2)

Multiple Choice Question

12 February 2021

Question No: 1

If the cost matrix in an Assignment problem is not square then which the following modification will be made to balance the given problem?

Add a dummy row(column) with zero cost elements

Add a dummy row(column) with positive cost elements

Add a dummy row(column) with negative cost elements

Add a dummy row(column) with arbitrary(including negative or positive) cost elements

Question No: 2

The North - West Corner Rule

Is used to find an initial feasible solution

Is based on the concept of minimizing opportunity cost

Is used to find optimal solution

None of above

Question No: 3

Is a balanced Transportation problem with 'm' source and 'n' sinks then degeneracy will arise only if there are less then --------- independent allocation in the solution.





Question No: 4

The column, which is introduced in the matrix to balance an unbalanced Transportation problem, is known as -------

dummy Column

key column

idle column

slack column

Question No: 5

The solution of a transportation problem with m rows (supplies) and n (destination) is feasible if number of positive allocation are _____ .





Question No: 6

For an unbalanced Transportation problem, if the total demand is LESS than total supply then which of the following is true in order to balance the problem?

A dummy sink would have to include with demand equal to the surplus

A dummy source would have to include with supply, equal to shortage

One constraint will have evacuate

One constraint will have to add

Question No: 7

There always exists a non-degenerate Feasible solution of a Balanced transportation Problem.



Question No: 8

To solve the degeneracy in a transportation problem we have to ------.

allocate the smallest element element epsilon in such a cell

put a small element epsilon in any one of the empty cell

put allocation in one of the empty cell with zero value

put a small element epsilon in any one of the empty cell

apply duality principle

Question No: 9

In the Vogel's approximation Method for solving a Transportation problem. Penalty measure for any row or column, is given by which of the following?

Difference between the smallest unit cost to the next smallest cost in the same row(column)

Difference between the largest unit cost to the next smallest cost in the same row(column)

Difference between the largest unit to the smallest unit in the came row(column)

Difference between two arbitrary cost in the cam row(column)

Question No: 10

In North West Corner method, the first step after choosing the appropriate cell in 1st row, we allocate --------- so that the capacity if first row or first column is exhausted.

as mush as possible

as lest as possible

non-negative quantity

any arbitrary quantity

"MTH601 Quiz No. 3"(3)

Multiple Choice Question

12 February 2021 

Question No: 1

Under which of the following condition in the Least Cost Method, after first allocation in cell (1,1). next allocation along the diagonal in cell (2.2) can be made?

If after crossed out 1st row of column, cell (2.2) is of minimum cost

If Total Supply is not equal to Total Demand

Total Supply = Total Demand

If in the second row and second column each resource and sink contain equal units 

Question No: 2 (rep)

The solution of a transportation problem with m rows (supplies) and n (destination) is feasible if number of positive allocation are _____ .





Question No: 3

Due to which of the following reason, Simplex method is not preferred to solve a Transportation problem?

Since it contains large number of decision variable 'xij's; so that it becomes complicated

Since Transportation problem contains constraints of '=' type

Since Transportation problem does not contain positive slacks

Since Transportation problem does not contain negative slacks

Question No: 4

Which value of "aij's" in the standard form of linear programming problem will transform it in standard Transportation problem?

aij = 0 or 1 for all i = 1,2 ...,m;j = 1,2,...,n

aij = 1 for all i = 1,2 ...,m;j = 1,2,...,n

aij = 0 and 1 for all i = 1,2 ...,m;j = 1,2,...,n

aij = 0 for 1 for all i = 1,2 ...,m;j = 1,2,...,n

Question No: 5 (rep)

In which of the following method to solve a transportation problem, we have to calculate one moor row and one more column?

Vogel's approximation Method

North West Corner method

Least Cost Method

Simplex Method

Question No: 6

IF a Transportation problem has 'm+n' constraints then how many number of unknowns it will have?





Question No: 7 (rep)

The North - West Corner Rule

Is used to find an initial feasible solution

Is based on the concept of minimizing opportunity cost

Is used to find optimal solution

None of above

Question No: 8

In the assignment problem is unbalanced if the cost matrix is not a -------- matrix.





Question No: 9

Transportation problem is basically a ______

Minimization model

Maximization model

Transshipment problem

Iconic model

Question No: 10 (rep)

The column, which is introduced in the matrix to balance an unbalanced Transportation problem, is known as -------

dummy Column

key column

idle column

slack column

Best of Luck

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